A Bowen Therapy
Are you looking for a change or a new direction?
A career in natural therapy?
Practical healing skills to use on family and friends?
Understand and work with fascia at the cutting edge of natural bodywork therapies.
Learn Fascial Kinetics and transform your life.
A Unique Approach to Training

Fascial Kinetics is a version of Bowen Therapy which sets the standard in Bowen education. The Fascial Kinetics course honors the tradition of Bowen, but grounds it in science and balances it with heart. It differs from other Bowen schools in that its curriculum is based on a holistic model.
Originally researched and developed by Russell Sturgess, the course looks at the various relationships that exist within the body, and demonstrates how Bowen Therapy is able to assist in bringing harmony to these mechanical and physiological relationships. Our course inspires and empowers people to create healing changes in their lives, and the lives of others. Working with the fascia, the skin of the spirit, we create windows of opportunity for sustainable change: for you, your family and your community.
Fascial Kinetics Bowen Therapy is great to learn if you are new to natural health or for trained therapists extending their skills. It can be used alone, or with other therapies to achieve great results and is easy to learn and apply to achieve lasting changes.
Fascial Kinetics is one of the longest running Bowen schools, and Fascial Kinetics graduates are trained to become highly competent practitioners. The course covers more than just the basic therapy, developing comprehensive skills and knowledge in a wide range of areas that will ensure you complete the course as a highly competent practitioner.
We have been teaching people for over 20 years, and our course is unique in balancing the science of healing with the art of healing, addressing body, mind and spirit.
" Your vision will only become clear when you can look into your own heart.
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."
Carl Jung
Like more information or to register for a course?
If you would like to know more about the Fascial Kinetics courses in Bowen Therapy, please contact:
Tanya Pfitzner, Principal of Fascial Kinetics, using the form below, to arrange for information to be sent to you.
If you would like to register for a course, please contact the Bowen Therapy instructor in your area directly.
+61 427 295 428